Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Follow up to my last post: Getting Back to Who I Am

Ask and you shall receive.

I've always asked questions. However, since listening to Christie Marie Sheldon's course, “Love or Above,” and reading two out of the three books in the “Conversations with God’ trilogy by Neale Donald Walsch, I finally believe my questions will actually be answered, if I'm receptive to the answer.

My last post was all about getting back to Who I Am.
It discussed my belief in the power of energy to heal.
And professed my desire to heal; to be a healer.

We all have the ability to heal. We're born with it -- as well as the birth right to be happy, healthy and whole -- but then we become disconnected from this innate ability and belief in ourselves -- either by parents & siblings, church, school & other institutions, peers, or simply from our own experiences, and our light begins to dim.

This past week, I got back in touch with my ability, and belief, to heal and be connected.
Literally, I became reconnected.
I went up to Kripalu, a yoga & wellness center in Lenox, MA, to study The Reconnection. I went up with the intention of completing Levels I and II of Reconnective Healing; while there, I learned of Level III, The Reconnection. I was so intrigued with this work, and grateful for it, that I stayed on. I can now facilitate healings on all three levels.

I learned of Dr. Eric Pearl’s work, The Reconnection, the same time I learned of Dr. Bradley Nelson’s work, The Emotion Code, which I briefly wrote about in my last post. I've read Dr. Pearl's book and listened to Dr. Nelson's. I loved both, and wanted to learn more about both -- so that I could either implement both, or let one (or both) go. The Reconnection team was coming through NYC in September. I didn't want to wait that long while having the thoughts, excitement and questions swirling around in the back of my mind: If it was amazing, I wanted to know now and get going with it; if it wasn't amazing, or "didn't work for me," I wanted to let it go. I decided to take a leap of faith and invest in my training at Kripalu. I am so blessed I was able to.

Reconnective Healing works to heal people and animals of dis-ease on all levels in this earthly existence: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, by bringing the body back into alignment (okay, maybe animals don't need a spiritual healing, as I don't think they ever become disconnected with Spirit/Source/Love/God//Wholeness/Completeness/Universe... but we humans sure do!).

The Reconnection has a different intention. It is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME healing that works with our evolution, reconnecting us to the grid lines of the earth (the lay lines) that connect us all, and connect us with (your choice): Spirit/Source/Love/God/Wholeness/Completeness/Universe. It is a life path accelerator that, when we're ready to receive, tells the Universe that we've been asking to be reconnected to Source, and Yes!, we're now ready to receive this sacred gift. Once we’re re-connected, we can never be dis-connected again. Wow. That, in my humble opinion, is pretty powerful.

I feel like many of prayers have been answered. I've been asking to be re-charged, re-newed, re-energized, and to re-member. Now I'm re-connected. Thank you. I am humbly grateful.

Another prayer that was answered is that I've been asking to help both people and animals in a way that I resonate with, is aligned with my values and my heart, is full of integrity, is easy!, and is something I can act on and implement now. All of these points were checked off with learning Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection.

Not to get too much more detailed, I'll simply say that The Reconnection is a new frequency: it’s “light and information” which carries the qualities of the other energetic modalities we’re accustomed to, and actually supersedes them, working at a quantum level. While this may be difficult to believe at face value, and may sound too “out there,” it is a frequency that is new to the earth since 1992, and this has been tested, measured and documented at The Arizona State University by Gary E. R. Schwartz, PhD, as well as by William Tiller, PhD, Deepak Chopra, and, I believe, others. And, hey, I LOOOOOOVE Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work, as well as Gregg Braden’s, and they support Reconnetive Healing. I feel I’m sooooooo on the right path for me!

All I know is I am able to be the facilitator in healing animals and people, which is what I've been asking for. (I'm not the healer, the Universe is, I simply receive the frequency to facilitate the healing. This is a nice relief, since the Universe knows what I, and ya’ll need, much better than I do ;).
To be able to promote/offer healing been my conscious “search” for the last four years. If I think about it, it’s probably my search throughout my life…sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously.
The search led me to feng shui and dowsing, qi gong, yoga, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, The Emotion Code, and now The Reconnection. Interestingly, it’s another way I can heal homes, as I can bring the frequency into the home. It all relates. It all ties in. It all comes together.

Thank you for your time in reading this post.
Much love and gratitude,

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