Monday, December 13, 2010

Getting Back to Who I Am

Things happen for a reason. It's a simple enough quote, one I hear all the time. However, I don't know about you, but accepting the sense and truth of this quote while in the midst of something that happened that I Do Not Like... separation, break-ups, weight/energy/health flux's, losing work, financial dry spells, not being hired... is harder to do. And so in the midst, I read, I journal, I listen, I meditate, I seek, I remember: "This too shall pass," and, truth-be-told, I usually get depressed. But according to the quote, even depression happens for a reason, and so I allow it.

Even in the midst of my freak out, or anger, or depression, I truly do believe the quote. And in the last "crazy" instance of my life... which was all laid out for you if you read "Hiatus" (and which I just took down). I believe the situation happened so that I could get back in touch with Who I Am.

And Who I Am is a healer. Who I Am is a loving, caring person who wants myself, and others, to be happy and to flourish. And Who I Am is someone who believes in energy and healing modalities. And so I've been learning, and remembering, and re-experiencing the joy in life, and life's amazing possibilities.

As you may know, I believe in and practice feng shui;
I also believe in and have practiced dowsing (although my dowsing rods had stopped answering me for about a year, which made me totally doubt myself, and my abilities to BE a healer);
I also believe in and have somewhat of a qi gong practice (although, for some reason, I'm only inspired to practice while out in nature, and so I practice a lot when I'm visiting Iowa, but rarely practice in NYC);
And now, I totally and completely believe (again) in energy, and the healing powers of energy. I have been asking for answers, and answers I've received. Answers come to me in conversations, in books, in movies, in videos, and mostly, in courses.

The common thread to all answers I've received lately is that in order to live the life we want to live, our vibrations need to match our goals. This was first learned in Christie Marie Sheldon's course, "Love or Above," and now I hear it EVERYWHERE. It's in the new, totally amazing course I'm studying from Dr. Bradley Nelson, "The Emotion Code." It's talked about in almost everything related to energy and healing I've been drawn to. If a practitioner talks about raising your vibration, I perk up. It's like buying a red sports car and seeing the same car everywhere. Learning about vibrations sunk in, and now I'm hearing about it everywhere.

All my questions the past years are now making sense. I wondered why, if I believed in and was implementing feng shui and dowsing, my life still spiraling downward (in my opinion). I now realize it's because my vibrations were sooooooooo low. I was stuck in a pattern of beating myself up for a decision I had made, and sugar coating this with positive affirmations.

I've now been addressing these emotions, and releasing them.
My dowsing rods work again.
I'm learning amazing, truly amazing things that are completely expanding my mind.
The best, I truly believe, is yet to come.

And I would've NEVER gotten here if I had stayed stuck in my last job, where the vibration was one of fear and control, and where I was allowing myself to be discouraged out of being Who I Am.

So, yea! I believe I had to get so out of balance for me to get back to what I know, and get back into it full-force; to stand for what I know to be true for me, to Stand for Me.

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