Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My first explanation about what Reconnective Healing® is.

I am a qualified practitioner of Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®, and can facilitate healing on all people and animals. This modality brings us back into balance in mind, body and spirit by addressing all levels of dis-ease: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. These healings remind us that we have the birth right to be healthy, happy and whole. I feel truly blessed I can offer such an amazing way to help people and animals feel more at ease.

I was drawn to The Reconnection® because it blends harmoniously with my varied holistic interests, which are geared towards helping myself, and others, enjoy our lives in the easiest, most effective ways possible. My interests in these areas led me to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) in New York City. The following year, during IINs optional Immersion program, I also studied feng shui and dowsing to further understand the connection between our living and working environments and overall quality of life. Additionally, I studied and practiced qi gong as both an exercise and healing modality. This past year I learned of The Emotion Code and The Reconnection® in back-to-back interviews, and dove into exploring both. While I've enjoyed both theories and practices, I'm enjoying the results experienced with Reconnective Healing®.

Reconnective Healing® is a fairly a new form of healing that operates on a quantum level, which uses frequencies to allow people and animals to come directly into contact with: Source/ Love/ Spirit/ Creator/ God/ Universe. It's typically a non-touch modality, although occasionally I may rest my hands lightly on certain areas. Instead of using touch, I have been trained to facilitate the healing by being attuned to the frequency, as well as my client. Interestingly, I'm actually not the one performing the healing: the Universe is. If that sounds odd, think of the Universe as being a radio frequency bandwidth, while I am the channel that picks up the correct currents so that the broadcast is crystal clear.

This past year I also became more aware that we are all living at different vibrations, and the more we vibrate at love, joy, peace and enlightenment (instead of fear, regret, anger and apathy, to name a few), the more we invite the people and situations in our lives we truly desire. There are many ways to enjoy living at higher vibrations, such as selecting quality foods to eat, choosing supportive relationships and uplifting conversations, surrounding ourselves with visuals and sounds that lift us in spirit, and enjoying work that fulfills us. Since Reconnective Healing® heals the mind, body and spirit—instead of the symptom or dis-ease—it quickly and naturally raises our vibrations.

The benefits of this healing frequency has both anecdotal and scientific evidence: It was brought to us by Dr. Eric Pearl, and has been tested by, among others, Gary E. R. Schwartz, Ph.D., at the University of Arizona and Deepak Chopra, M.D., at The Chopra Center for Well Being. It is also admired by such doctors as Linda G.S. Russek, Ph.D., Dr. Andrew Weil, Christiane Northrup, M.D., Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, and Dr. Masaru Emoto.


My humble goal is to facilitate as many healings for all people and animals as possible… improving our lives, families, communities and world one healing at a time. This work helps with simple pick-me-ups, as well as emotional disturbances and physical disabilities.

This modality works in person, as well as via distance. To date, testimonials I've received are from people who have no prior knowledge of this work. Comments include:
~ My dog has not had diarrhea since you worked on him. (in person)

~ My foot pain instantly vanished, and I immediately felt more relaxed. (distance session)

~ I feel calmer, less stressed. (distance session)

~ I had no nausea this morning after our session; yesterday, I was sick throughout the morning and felt horrible all day. (addressing morning sickness, and not a 24hr bug; distance session)

~ I feel lighter, happier, like a weight has been lifted. (in person)

~ I've really been on an amazing high since my session. I feel very refreshed and alive spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. (in person)

~ I finally believe I am supported, and that I can trust my gifts; that the power is within me, as the sages have said for centuries. (in person)

~ I've been sleeping better than I have in an extremely long time. (in person)

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