Tuesday, October 18, 2011

When Things are Looking Bleak, What Else is Possible?

It's been awhile since I wrote anything. I've been concentrating on starting my own company: Fido 'n Felix, which launched at the end of April 2011.  www.fidofelix.com

My goals in starting this business — besides the desire to become self-sufficient* —are:
– to provide dogs, cats and their owners exceptional, individual attention.
– to get out from behind a desk and do what I love:
     and two things I love are: being with animals and being in nature.

And so I created a business where I get to soak up kitty love, plus doggie love while walking in Central Park. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. Can't honestly say I'm looking forward to winter, but it still beats sitting in a cubical day in, day out.

– and truth-be-told, I'm so excited about Reconnective Healing®, as well as The Emotion Code, I trust (hope) that by offering these services for the animals and their parents in my care, word of mouth will spread.

To reiterate, my immediate goals that would mean sooo much to me are: I am financially self-sufficient; I enjoy animal love while walking in NYC parks throughout the day; I attract people who are interested in having healings facilitated for themselves and/or their beloved pets.

And my HUGE GOAL is:
- I'm a re-known healing practitioner — for people, their pets & all animals — and I facilitate healings world-wide for animal sanctuaries, shelters, adoption centers (animals and babies/children), vet clinics, zoos…
There are sooooo many animals (and children) who have emotional disturbances who may otherwise be given up on, who were badly abused, who are scared and/or depressed, who no longer trust, etc. etc. I create the possibility of working with these animals (and children) — in addition to numerous healthy, happy, loved pets and people who, ya know, would simply appreciate some extra TLC and get some emotional, mental, spiritual and/or physical kinks worked out.

Here is my current "reality":
*I'm not joking about the self-sufficient part. Let's just say at this point in my life, I'm definitely part of the 99%. For those readers who don't understand this reference, you can check out http://www.occupytogether.org/. 
I landed my first client in June. My schedule is only half full (with enough income to pay half my bills), while servicing the Upper West Side of NYC -- and this is dog-landia!
It's also dog walker-landia, but I do my best not to subscribe to the competitive, or lack, mindset. I believe there are enough pooches here to fill my schedule. Heck, four more clients would do it!! How easy is that!? And yet its been a month since I signed a steady client. What would it take to change this? 

My thoughts have been spiraling to, "What am I doing wrong?" and "Why is this not happening for me?" And so I was inspired to write this post today because I responded to one of Jill Sullivan Grueter's blogs, who is team leader of Project Pawsitive (projectpawsitive.com), when she wrote her thoughts can also spiral to "what am I doing wrong?" Here is an excerpt of what I wrote:
let's destroy and un-create your expression, "what am i doing wrong?" nothing! absolutely nothing. that thought will only wear you out, as it's not empowering.

And so I decided to give myself my own advice, through this blog.
And write my goals for myself, and all, to see.
And keep going with my positive affirmations and thoughts, per Gregg Braden, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Dain Heer of Access Concsiousness, Terry Cole-Whittaker, Louis Hay, and numerous others.

I know we create our own realities.
I am aware our inner world reflects our outer world. I think my inner world is full of so much positivity and love that I'm not sure why I'm seeing lack of any kind. I'm baffled, as are those who know me. I guess I need to trust The Universe even more, and really be aware of any "negative" thoughts I have so I can re-write them. And I definitely have dark thoughts and days, especially when I feel overwhelmed, scared, alone, and wondering where rent will come from.

And so I end by asking, "What would it take for this…day, month, quarter, year… to turn out better than I could've imagined? And what is right about my current "situation" that I'm not getting?"

I do know the animals in my care appreciate me, and their parents are very happy with my services.
I know word of mouth will spread.
I know people are more and more open to healing modalities, and the modalities I practice are now known world-wide, thanks to the persistence of Dr. Eric Pearl, Dr. Bradley Nelson,  and their amazing teams.
I know mentalities are shifting and people want change.
I know a shift in consciousness is happening.

I know more is possible.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

My Newly Pregnant, and Very Stressed Out Friend

As with most people in today's world, and especially in NYC, my friend is extremely stressed with the responsibilities of life.
Add to this the following:
She's a single mom who experienced a traumatic separation. She receives no child support, and he left her with nothing. (Fortunately, the divorce was relatively smooth, and she has sole custody).

She has an extremely long commute each day to work (up to 2 hours each way), typically standing on a bus, and so her commute isn't even relaxing enough to read. I think she lost her itunes, so she doesn't listen to music, or downloaded books. Or maybe this makes her motion-sick. I can't quite remember, although we've had this conversation. Sorry!

She has to be in to work by 8:30am, with the 2 hour commute, and after getting her 6yr old daughter dressed, fed and driven to school (fortunately, her fiancé is helping with this task more and more).

Her work load continuously increases, to the point where she is beyond overwhelmed, but…
Since she's a Type A and extremely proficient and intelligent, they continue putting more work on her, because she gets it done.

She's planning a wedding and a move for this summer, which has amazing perks, and a few added stresses, including enrolling her daughter in a new school.

All this being said, she assumed she was too stressed to possibly become pregnant, and she and her fiancé let their guard down one night in terms of family planning.

You guessed it, she's pregnant. More stress! And nausea!
I giggled for a long time when she told me… perhaps not the right response, but she knew it came from my heart. I'm happy for her, as I know it'll all work out, but I also appreciate her anxiety. I would also be anxious. Raising two children is a HUGE responsibility. And, quite honestly, I wouldn't want to be pregnant, either. She wanted more children, just not now. Infamous last words of many, many couples ;)

I did what I could do... offer my ear, and offer her healing sessions... as my friend, she gets as many as she wants, as long as I have the time and energy to give her sessions with authenticity and attention. I want her to be as relaxed as possible. I always want this for her (she's AMAZING!), and I especially want this for her now, since the baby swims in her thoughts and energy. I want him/her to swim in still, peaceful waters!

She's received two sessions in the last week... one distant session while she was still asleep, and one last night in person.

Immediately after her distant session, her morning sickness stopped. She told me that when she's pregnant, when the morning sickness starts, it increases consistently for the next few months. She had been sick four times the previous morning, and forced herself to stay awake and somewhat productive throughout the day. Since the distance session, she has had no morning sickness, and only one wave of nausea. She also immediately felt calmer and more relaxed.

Ummm.... wow.

Before you read any further, please note that I cannot diagnose any condition, nor claim to heal any condition. Also, EVERYONE's experience is different. My friend has morning sickness, and two sessions happen to have lessened this nausea for her. If you're pregnant and experiencing morning sickness, this may not be the experience you'll have... though you will have the healing that is perfect for you (more on this was in my initial write-up about Reconnective Healing).

We had an in-person session last night, and below are a few of her comments.
First, let me share with you, my faithful reader, that my friend knows very, very little about Reconnective Healing. I figured the less she knew, the better, so that she had no pre-conceived notions of what she "should" feel/experience. I simply told her to relax, and if she day-dreamed or slept, fine... she's exhausted, don't fight it. I also said if she experiences any physical sensations or movements, it's all fine. She can allow the sensations and movements to increase, if she's having fun with it, or she can tell them to stop, if she doesn't enjoy it. She is in control, and the Universe has her best interest at heart.

Here's what she reported:
She immediately felt calm, which she admitted was strange, because she was extremely wound up going into the session, and typically can't completely relax where we were. (Although where the session was held was the most convenient and agreed upon location for us, I hadn't thought she might not be able to relax there. Thankfully, she did.) She blanked out, saw nothing, heard nothing (even the city noises below), "kinda forgot" I was even there, and day dreamed... even though she doesn't typically day dream. In her dream, she was in bed in her new home, with a full belly, and the walls were painted blue (the walls currently aren't blue). It was a peaceful feeling.

For physical sensations, she felt pulling, and some tingles, which she described as "weird." She told me it was weird because I moved so quietly that she never really knew where I was, but yet she always figured where I was because she felt pulling and/or tingling (remember, this is a hands-off modality... more about the modality is in in my previous post). A few times, she said she quickly opened her eyes just to check, and yep: she felt pulling at her feet, and there I was, down by her feet. Or she felt pulling at her head, and yep: there I was, up by her head. The entire time she felt pulling in her belling, stretching up through her body (up through her chest, down through her legs, but that this was a comforting feeling.)

She also immediately felt pressure pulling up into her head like a headache, but not really a headache. She hadn't had a headache prior to the session, and it immediately culminated in her head (crown), and dissipated, but didn't fully leave.
She also felt like vomiting at one point, but that wave of nausea quickly passed.
(My teachers explained that pains are generally agreed to be when the body is letting go of things, and "pain, or like-pain" is considered a remembrance /reminder of past pain that is now leaving and saying good-bye. The reason I put "pain, or like-pain" in quotes is because, usually, when asked, the client says it was pain, but it wasn't typical pain,  it was kinda like pain... hence, "pain, or like-pain." :)

After the session, I asked if I could put my hands on her belly, she said yes (hands-on treatment can feel really, really good, during which the practitioner lightly places his/her hands on a particular body part and just rests them there. Ahhhhh. She said she didn't really feel anything other than warmth with this, but we both cracked up when I said I was creating peaceful, still waters. Ahhh, laughter is medicine for the soul. Happy swimming, brave little fella!

She woke cold and hungry (I get hungry when I'm being healed, too!).
We went for dinner, honoring her craving for spelt bread and olive oil. After dinner, she felt faint and a bit nauseous, and so I gave her some more hands-on healing when we were at her car. I don't know if this helped; I didn't ask. But we drove to the river and enjoyed a nice walk and talk. So great for both of us to have solo girl-time!!

Again, please remember everyone's experience is different, but everyone experiences the healing that is perfect for them. 

As a follow up, my friend's morning sickness did return. And so we accept that she received the healing the Universe intended for her… perhaps it's not what either of us went in to the session hoping for, but we trust that even though we're not aware of what this is, it's unfolding in ways we can only imagine. And that is life, is it not?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

freekibble.com, Halo, and Japan_March 16, 2011

www.freekibble.com: if freekibble raises a million pieces of kibble today, Halo, Purely for Pets, will match it with ANOTHER Million pieces - ALL to be donated to animal relief in Japan! Domo Arigato (thanks!)

They need us... spread the word!

Play freekibble! it's so interesting & informative, and it's a way to give back without investing any money... simply 2 fun minutes of your time, max!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My first explanation about what Reconnective Healing® is.

I am a qualified practitioner of Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®, and can facilitate healing on all people and animals. This modality brings us back into balance in mind, body and spirit by addressing all levels of dis-ease: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. These healings remind us that we have the birth right to be healthy, happy and whole. I feel truly blessed I can offer such an amazing way to help people and animals feel more at ease.

I was drawn to The Reconnection® because it blends harmoniously with my varied holistic interests, which are geared towards helping myself, and others, enjoy our lives in the easiest, most effective ways possible. My interests in these areas led me to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) in New York City. The following year, during IINs optional Immersion program, I also studied feng shui and dowsing to further understand the connection between our living and working environments and overall quality of life. Additionally, I studied and practiced qi gong as both an exercise and healing modality. This past year I learned of The Emotion Code and The Reconnection® in back-to-back interviews, and dove into exploring both. While I've enjoyed both theories and practices, I'm enjoying the results experienced with Reconnective Healing®.

Reconnective Healing® is a fairly a new form of healing that operates on a quantum level, which uses frequencies to allow people and animals to come directly into contact with: Source/ Love/ Spirit/ Creator/ God/ Universe. It's typically a non-touch modality, although occasionally I may rest my hands lightly on certain areas. Instead of using touch, I have been trained to facilitate the healing by being attuned to the frequency, as well as my client. Interestingly, I'm actually not the one performing the healing: the Universe is. If that sounds odd, think of the Universe as being a radio frequency bandwidth, while I am the channel that picks up the correct currents so that the broadcast is crystal clear.

This past year I also became more aware that we are all living at different vibrations, and the more we vibrate at love, joy, peace and enlightenment (instead of fear, regret, anger and apathy, to name a few), the more we invite the people and situations in our lives we truly desire. There are many ways to enjoy living at higher vibrations, such as selecting quality foods to eat, choosing supportive relationships and uplifting conversations, surrounding ourselves with visuals and sounds that lift us in spirit, and enjoying work that fulfills us. Since Reconnective Healing® heals the mind, body and spirit—instead of the symptom or dis-ease—it quickly and naturally raises our vibrations.

The benefits of this healing frequency has both anecdotal and scientific evidence: It was brought to us by Dr. Eric Pearl, and has been tested by, among others, Gary E. R. Schwartz, Ph.D., at the University of Arizona and Deepak Chopra, M.D., at The Chopra Center for Well Being. It is also admired by such doctors as Linda G.S. Russek, Ph.D., Dr. Andrew Weil, Christiane Northrup, M.D., Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, and Dr. Masaru Emoto.


My humble goal is to facilitate as many healings for all people and animals as possible… improving our lives, families, communities and world one healing at a time. This work helps with simple pick-me-ups, as well as emotional disturbances and physical disabilities.

This modality works in person, as well as via distance. To date, testimonials I've received are from people who have no prior knowledge of this work. Comments include:
~ My dog has not had diarrhea since you worked on him. (in person)

~ My foot pain instantly vanished, and I immediately felt more relaxed. (distance session)

~ I feel calmer, less stressed. (distance session)

~ I had no nausea this morning after our session; yesterday, I was sick throughout the morning and felt horrible all day. (addressing morning sickness, and not a 24hr bug; distance session)

~ I feel lighter, happier, like a weight has been lifted. (in person)

~ I've really been on an amazing high since my session. I feel very refreshed and alive spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. (in person)

~ I finally believe I am supported, and that I can trust my gifts; that the power is within me, as the sages have said for centuries. (in person)

~ I've been sleeping better than I have in an extremely long time. (in person)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Follow up to my last post: Getting Back to Who I Am

Ask and you shall receive.

I've always asked questions. However, since listening to Christie Marie Sheldon's course, “Love or Above,” and reading two out of the three books in the “Conversations with God’ trilogy by Neale Donald Walsch, I finally believe my questions will actually be answered, if I'm receptive to the answer.

My last post was all about getting back to Who I Am.
It discussed my belief in the power of energy to heal.
And professed my desire to heal; to be a healer.

We all have the ability to heal. We're born with it -- as well as the birth right to be happy, healthy and whole -- but then we become disconnected from this innate ability and belief in ourselves -- either by parents & siblings, church, school & other institutions, peers, or simply from our own experiences, and our light begins to dim.

This past week, I got back in touch with my ability, and belief, to heal and be connected.
Literally, I became reconnected.
I went up to Kripalu, a yoga & wellness center in Lenox, MA, to study The Reconnection. I went up with the intention of completing Levels I and II of Reconnective Healing; while there, I learned of Level III, The Reconnection. I was so intrigued with this work, and grateful for it, that I stayed on. I can now facilitate healings on all three levels.

I learned of Dr. Eric Pearl’s work, The Reconnection, the same time I learned of Dr. Bradley Nelson’s work, The Emotion Code, which I briefly wrote about in my last post. I've read Dr. Pearl's book and listened to Dr. Nelson's. I loved both, and wanted to learn more about both -- so that I could either implement both, or let one (or both) go. The Reconnection team was coming through NYC in September. I didn't want to wait that long while having the thoughts, excitement and questions swirling around in the back of my mind: If it was amazing, I wanted to know now and get going with it; if it wasn't amazing, or "didn't work for me," I wanted to let it go. I decided to take a leap of faith and invest in my training at Kripalu. I am so blessed I was able to.

Reconnective Healing works to heal people and animals of dis-ease on all levels in this earthly existence: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, by bringing the body back into alignment (okay, maybe animals don't need a spiritual healing, as I don't think they ever become disconnected with Spirit/Source/Love/God//Wholeness/Completeness/Universe... but we humans sure do!).

The Reconnection has a different intention. It is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME healing that works with our evolution, reconnecting us to the grid lines of the earth (the lay lines) that connect us all, and connect us with (your choice): Spirit/Source/Love/God/Wholeness/Completeness/Universe. It is a life path accelerator that, when we're ready to receive, tells the Universe that we've been asking to be reconnected to Source, and Yes!, we're now ready to receive this sacred gift. Once we’re re-connected, we can never be dis-connected again. Wow. That, in my humble opinion, is pretty powerful.

I feel like many of prayers have been answered. I've been asking to be re-charged, re-newed, re-energized, and to re-member. Now I'm re-connected. Thank you. I am humbly grateful.

Another prayer that was answered is that I've been asking to help both people and animals in a way that I resonate with, is aligned with my values and my heart, is full of integrity, is easy!, and is something I can act on and implement now. All of these points were checked off with learning Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection.

Not to get too much more detailed, I'll simply say that The Reconnection is a new frequency: it’s “light and information” which carries the qualities of the other energetic modalities we’re accustomed to, and actually supersedes them, working at a quantum level. While this may be difficult to believe at face value, and may sound too “out there,” it is a frequency that is new to the earth since 1992, and this has been tested, measured and documented at The Arizona State University by Gary E. R. Schwartz, PhD, as well as by William Tiller, PhD, Deepak Chopra, and, I believe, others. And, hey, I LOOOOOOVE Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work, as well as Gregg Braden’s, and they support Reconnetive Healing. I feel I’m sooooooo on the right path for me!

All I know is I am able to be the facilitator in healing animals and people, which is what I've been asking for. (I'm not the healer, the Universe is, I simply receive the frequency to facilitate the healing. This is a nice relief, since the Universe knows what I, and ya’ll need, much better than I do ;).
To be able to promote/offer healing been my conscious “search” for the last four years. If I think about it, it’s probably my search throughout my life…sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously.
The search led me to feng shui and dowsing, qi gong, yoga, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, The Emotion Code, and now The Reconnection. Interestingly, it’s another way I can heal homes, as I can bring the frequency into the home. It all relates. It all ties in. It all comes together.

Thank you for your time in reading this post.
Much love and gratitude,